Over 3 years of Experience.
हाम्रो बारेमा
विभिन्न इचनबलष्शबतष्यल, प्राइभेट लिमिटेड, पव्लिक लिमिटेड कम्पनी, एजेन्सी, उद्योग, फर्म, संघ–संस्था तथा क्लवहरूको शुरू दर्ता, रिन्यु, बार्षिक विवरण, आयकर दाखिला सम्बन्धी परामर्श (ऋयलकगतिबलअथ) छिटो, छरितो तथा सर्वशुलम तरिकाबाट सेवा दिने उद्देश्य राखेर यस मुनाल ल फर्म प्रा.लि. कम्पनीको स्थापना गरिएको हो ।
What we are experts at
About Us
Employment And Immigration
We aim to maintain smooth employment through the best practical advice in employment matters. Labour Act...
Our team provides a wide range of expert services in the field of business tax. We provide strategic...
Our team provides a wide range of expert services in the field of business tax. We provide strategic...
Dispute Resolution And Arbitration
We are dedicated to represent our clients in different commercial and civil lawsuits in courts and t...
Intellectual Property
Our expertise extends to all major fields of intellectual property including copyright, patent, trad...
Foreign Investment
Nepal has witnessed expanding regime of foreign investment in Nepal for the last few decades. Foreig...
Our News & Publications
News & Publications
Our Videos
Videos of Our's
We publish our video of different sectors and services that we constantly provide in our daylife services. This is our official youtube channel created in 2022 and it is created in hope of inspiring and giving knowledge to our clients and every people in Nepal